Hands-On Art History

Students will learn about famous works of art, the artists who created them, and why they are important for us to know, as they journey through history through the beautiful lens of art. Each week students will be introduced to an art time period including Prehistoric Art, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance and Modern Art; European and African Art; Baroque, Romanticism, Realism; Impressionism and Neo-impressionism, famous artists, and new art techniques. By learning these famous works of art, students will be able to notice how often they are used in films, books, and even the video games of our age. Students will not only learn to look closely at art to experience its grandeur but to also speak its language. For homework, students will put into practice what they’ve learned, by creating works of art of their own, based on those pieces they study. This unique course is both academic and fun!

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  • Build An Appreciation For Beauty by Exposing To Great Art
  • Kids Who Study Classical Art Feel A Connection To The Past
  • Compare the Past and Present, Through Art Discussions, Develop Critical Thinking Skills
  • Kids Who Study Art Know There Is Great Value In Diversity
  • Art History Inspires Curiosity

艺术历史是一门融合了历史、哲学、美学、肖像学、符号学、艺术理论等方面知识的综合学科. 学生们将通过学习世界著名艺术精品, 认识不同时期的作品背景, 了解艺术家, 作品的重要历史意义, 和对比分析不同时代的艺术表现形式。 通过学习艺术还可以了解世界, 感受人类思想史的发展变迁在艺术中的体现。

每次课向学生介绍一个艺术时期包括: 史前, 中世纪, 文艺复兴时期, 和现代艺术; 欧洲艺术与建筑, 非洲艺术; 巴洛克式, 浪漫主义, 和现实主义艺术; 印象派和新印象派艺术的特点和规律, 著名的艺术家和其艺术作品,以及其对当时艺术和技巧上的贡献与创新。 通过研习这些著名的艺术品及其历史背景和意义,学生将能在电影,文学作品, 日常生活中发现这些艺术精品的广泛应用,引起共鸣,并加深对作品的认知和理解,从而在今后的阅读写作中能够运用艺术历史知识,提升写作分析的思想深度和内涵。

本课程老师将带领同学们穿越历史, 仔细地观察分析每个重要时期的艺术,体验其宏伟奇妙,帮助学生逐渐形成自己的思考基础,建立自己的欣赏品味, 加强学生批判性思维能力。同时学生在老师指导下进行艺术创作,用画画、泥塑、剪裁、搭建等各类创意手工作业形式,鼓励孩子们实际动手,展现出他们真实的感想, 以及对自我、事物和世界的认知。

艺术历史课程将丰富的学术知识融合新奇有趣的艺术形式,让学生们开阔视野,博古通今, 是为提升学生人文素养量身定制的精品课程!

  •  接触过伟大艺术的孩子会欣赏美
  • 学习过古典艺术的孩子会联系历史
  • 艺术讨论激发培养批判性思维能力
  • 了解艺术的孩子懂得多样性的巨大价值
  • 博古通今, 提高个人艺术修养, 增加思想的厚度
  • 艺术史激发孩子的好奇心, 激发个人潜能,开阔想象力
  • 学习掌握艺术史知识能够提高阅读分析和写作的思想深度和内涵

Our Teacher

Ms. Abby

Ms. Abby 拥有文学创作硕士学位。她是一位封面设计家,小说家。她继2019年出版了短篇故事后,她的小说《The Art of Drowning》于2021年2月出版。Ms. Abby特别擅长启发指导各个年龄段学生和刚刚崭露头角的年轻作家学生,并指导当地阅读写作班学生出版作品集为 food bank 筹款。Ms. Abby老师有教授从小学到大学学生的丰富经验,她将针对性的设计课程, 启发和带领学生对经典艺术作品进行深入分析, 学习艺术历史知识和作者的创作之路,指导学生结合所学习的作品,创作自己的艺术品。Ms. Abby 热爱教学,她指导学生耐心细致,让每一节课都给每个学生带来学习的乐趣和知识的提高。

Ms. Abby dwells inside her dreams where creativity thrives. All the stories she held captured in her mind clamored to be set free. Ms. Abby, MFA in creative writing, is a cover page designer, novelist, editor, writing contest literary judge, and reading/writing teacher. She has extensive experience in teaching mixed-age groups of students from elementary school to college students. Ms. Abby has a short story published in 2019, and a novel The Art of Drowning will be published in Feb. 2021. Ms. Abby has also coached local teens to read, write and have published an anthology of creative writing together to raise funds for the food bank in 2020. 

Ms. Abby is fun, enthusiastic, and patient. She particularly enjoys working with emergent young students and advancing their reading and writing to the next level. Her greatest passion is watching students thrive and blossom in a fun learning environment. 

  • Class size: 4-6 students
  • Tuition: 10 * 1 hour lessons, $280 per section
  • Refund policy: Refunds can be requested after the first class. The refund balance will be the tuition of remaining classes. After the starting of the second class, no refund application will be accepted.

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