Little Anchor and Opinion Classes

News anchors are journalists who inform the public by reporting news, stories, and events. In the role of anchors, the tone, voice, and delivery are the keys to relaying an important message. Being articulate and authoritative will give much credibility to the audience. In addition to looking appealing and professional, anchors also need stellar writing skills, as they often write their own stories. The mixture of charisma and confidence will make people respond to them. The skills of speaking in public confidently, with the right tone and good posture, are important to learn at a young age.

Class size: 4-6 students
Tuition: $360 (Mini Anchor: $300) for 12 classes

Mini Anchor (G1-G3)

If you want your young student to learn how to speak confidently in public, using good posture and a clear, projecting voice, this is the class for them! We will start to learn how to write and deliver news stories, as well as sports, and weather reports. We will learn about the many ways people can gather news, from radio to T.V. to the internet, and the difference between facts and biased opinions. 

The students will be creative journalists as we become food critics, movie reviewers, television critics and book reviewers. This class is for any personality types, from the shyest child who is scared to present, to the kids who are always the first to volunteer in class. We teach the lessons to meet them at their comfort level. Please join us for Mini Anchor, taught by a veteran journalism of radio and print for the past 25 years!

Little Anchor (G4+)

Our real-life anchor and writing instructor will guide students through the process as they practice their public speaking, research, verbal, writing, improvisational, and interviewing skills. Students will learn to write news reports and speeches, as well as good posture, and how to project to an audience. They will deliver their speeches and presentations in a compelling nature, like real news anchors.

News Anchor Club (G4+)

If your students enjoyed Little Anchor & Opinion Writing, they can continue to develop their journalism skills with the News Anchor Club. This session will cover News Debate, students would be expert panelists, and create Radio Programming. The class would focus on writing,  and delivering news for broadcast radio journalism. Students will learn how to research and write about a topic, and present facts, as well as opinions. They will learn to write sports, weather news advertisements and stories about everyday people and issues in their communities, guest interviews, and public service announcements. The class will also teach students different radio frequencies, and how to create a radio station. Students will learn to program a radio station, design a name, slogan, logo, and completely run by the students!